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mercredi 1 août 2012

Top 5 Internet Marketing Techniques You Need to Avoid

“Do Unto Others As You Would Have Them Do Unto You”. Although this statement comes from the Bible, it is also a universal human truth, which means it applies regardless of where it came from.

This is definitely a truth that should apply to internet marketing. If marketers across the board committed to this truth, it would reduce the amount of work we do deleting spam and wasting our time doing tasks that don’t make us any money.

The bottom line is, if you don’t want others doing these things to you, then don’t do it!
Here are five examples of wasted marketing efforts:

1. Autoreplies

Autoreplies in your email are a legitimate way to let others know you are out of town, on business, etc.

However, autoreplies aren’t the way to market. Once I answered an autoreply where the person in question had sent me his business opportunity. I wrote a reply because I had questions, but I never received an answer. I also didn’t receive the information. The marketer in question may have missed out on a sale.

If you don’t want an inbox full of stuff, then don’t use autoreplies. Just because you are on someone’s list doesn’t give you the right to send them email. Create your own list and make it available for others to sign up.

2. Blog Comment Spam

I get this one a lot, and it usually to sell cell phones. My blog has nothing to do with cell phones. If my spam filter doesn’t catch these, then I simply delete them. They have no place on my blog.

Also, I don’t want the search engines penalizing my blog or site for comments that are unrelated to the topic I am writing about.

3. 100 Million Email Addresses

There are several services available that offer you an opportunity to email Pay Pal owners, Yahoo email addresses, and others. Usually what these sites have done is spider the particular site and created a database of emails.

Other than the fact that this is spam, it’s also very untargeted traffic. Most will simply delete your emails because they’re not interested in your offer.

4. Writing articles to promote affiliate links.

This is actually an old one and most sites won’t accept these types of articles anyway. Still, it’s worth mentioning.

Before you submit articles to an article directory, read the guidelines. See if they accept affiliate links in the resource box. If they do, then submit your article. If they don’t, find other article directories to submit to. Links related to your topic are almost never acceptable within the article body, so don’t use them.

5. Posting your sales message on help desks.

Believe it or not, I’ve had this one happen to me. I used to use email for my support, but I got so many of these types of emails I finally had to switch to a support desk. This is simply another form of spam. Don’t do it. You may submit to the wrong person, someone with a lot of money who will sue you.

Use legitimate internet marketing techniques. There are many that are effective and free. You’ll increase your bottom line more easily this way.

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