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dimanche 12 août 2012

Searching The Net For What You Need

By Sterling A. Brown

Post your site to a trustworthy web-hosting provider. Your site is effective only when people can see it. If your web site is inaccessible, you can't do business. Use a web-hosting provider that guarantees a high level of service. They should have daily backups and redundant systems. A good provider gives you access to web statistics.

Since 1998 Internet usage in the United States has increased 10,000 percent from 3 to 304 million people. Identify Your Internet Business then ask yourself why customers would come to your web site. come a period of previously unimaginable innovation. But marketing guru Al Ries, author of "Positioning: The Battle for Your Mind," and most recently of "The 11 Immutable Laws of Internet Branding," says few companies have an Internet strategy that makes any sense.

Everyone on the Internet is looking for the ultimate get-rich-quick scheme. At least that is what the people selling the ultimate get-rich-quick scheme would like you to believe. Which one is the 'ultimate'? Well, if you hear them tell it, theirs is, of course.

The internet is the greatest collection of wealth or fodder, depending upon your info-perspective the world has ever seen. With such a cacophony of directories filled with video, text, imagery, sound, fury, Hot Flash and Cold Fusion, what's an information cheetah to do in order to make sense of it all and take it to another level of the Game?

Those who operate internet businesses likely have their hands full. That makes it hard to keep track of new developments. To see who is doing what and how successfully. To generate ideas for your own business. So what you need is a strategy to help you keep abreast of what is happening on the internet and specifically, in your area of interest - in as little time as possible.

You will need programs to ensure your specific functions will work seamlessly and return the results you require in the way you expect. Because something has not been done before, does not mean it is not technically possible. As long as it is cost effective to write a program to fulfil the need, then this can go toward providing some of your unique market positioning. The golden rule is to keep things as simple as possible for the user to move around. The crucial point to note is, to achieve success, there must be a demand for your service in the physical world and you need to demonstrate how you will make sustainable profits. Without this solid foundation, no amount of fancy technology will make your site successful or raise the investment you require to make it happen.

Once you have a clear idea and evidence your concepts will work as a business venture, it is time to call in the technical expertise to build a working model. At this stage, all of the research and knowledge of your marketplace is critical to success. You will need to convey your ideas across to people who may never have been in business and have no grasp of business fundamentals. As they will probably be responsible for the design of complex programs to ensure seamless operation of your services and transactions, it is crucial you make them understand your goals.

If you're like me, perhaps you've been on the internet for less than a year. For those first few months, you pretty much just surf around absolutely dumbfounded by all the information available in cyberspace. Wow! After a while, you actually feel yourself becoming addicted, and you can feel yourself being transformed into (Oh, no!) a "Mouse Potato".

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