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lundi 15 septembre 2014

How To Make Travel Photo Album Unique

By Kerri Stout

One accessory that you never leave behind when you are going out or travelling is your camera to take photos. A travel photo album is necessary to keep those memorable occasions with you in an organized manner. Making a terrific photo album can be as simple as counting one to ten.

How to choose the perfect album cover. There is a proverb that says that do not judge a book by its cover, this is totally different in photos.The cover of the album will totally say a lot of what is inside. If you head for a trip to the Paris, you may want to buy a cover there that has French landmark prints, this will make a person know almost immediately without looking that there are amazing photos from an equally amazing place and certainly will want to look at them. If you have Egyptian photos, a cover from Egypt will fit well or better yet some pyramids or some of the ancient Egyptian artifacts.

Carefully choose the photos to put in the album. Not all the pictures you take will fit in your albums. You will have to select the best among the best shots you took. This can be stressing especially when you have incredibly many great shots but it is a pain you have to deal with. Choosing can be hard so you can ask a friend to pick for you if you find it impossible to choose although they will choose according to their preferences which might not be same as yours.

Captions should be carefully written. A caption describes a photo better. Drafting your caption carefully will not only give the best description you want, but ensure that you will not have to start correcting it if you have made a mistake when writing on the photo. Use free hand writing to as originality from all digitally written materials or captions on other photos.

Arrange your photos in orderly manner. The correct order in which your photos should appear in the collection is the one you want and not any other "rule" given out there. It is your album so make it look good as per you. A tip on this however it would be great to have the photos with sweetest memories on top to remind you of those heavenly moments you had each time you open it

You may wonder why you need to do this when there're many digital albums. But think of it as an activity you will remember. Each time you look at your album you see your creativity in it. You perfect it the way you want it to be. This should be fun.

Don't be in a hurry. They usually say hurry, hurry has no blessings and that can't be far from the truth. Make it in a hurry and it will be in mess. No matter how much time and energy you take and even cursing on it you should go not take shortcuts but do a quality job for yourself. One day you will laugh at that.

Using these tips will make you a fabulous travel photo collection. Try to apply them in making your subsequent albums and you will love it. Being more creative and changing some of the tips to include yours would be great.

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