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jeudi 17 janvier 2013

Twitter analysed: How you should act

By Mark Willenberg

Twitequette are the Do's and Don'ts for using and interacting with other Twitter users. The short message social media network makes it easy to keep in touch in real-time with old friend and more importantly, new followers (see below) in a very open forum only restricted by 140 characters or less (called "Tweets"). Even though you can tweet anytime, anywhere, and about most anything, we do recommend brushing up on good and bad "Tweeting" (the act of posting a Tweet) behavior to avoid making a social media "faux pas" that will most likely get you "Unfollowed," blocked, and just be overall perceived in a negative manner. Here are the top Twitter Do's and Twitter Don'ts:

DO NOT FOLLOW EVERYBODY - The individuals on Twitters who "Follow" or subscribe to your particular network are "Followers." Nonetheless, the predicament is should you "Follow" the people who follow you? Although your followers may think it impolite if you don't reciprocate, we recommend just following those who you really want to get tweets from, especially if you share usual interests with them. Will some people think it rude? Yes, but to take advantage of Twitter, you need to be interested or you will most likely not enjoy or grow from the Twitter experience if your homepage is full of Tweets that only succeed in sedating you.

DO RETWEET - While it might be easy to cut-and-paste a particularly creative Tweets and have everybody kudos you for creating it, not giving credit where credit is due is a significant Do not. While "Retweeting" (the feature of repeating a Tweet and automatically crediting the source) is the most typical way to provide credit, you can additionally repeat a Tweet verbatim and add "Via @ username" (username for the Twitter user's name). However, Tweets with Via can be edited to your preference unlike a Retweet. Finally, "HD" acknowledges who you "heard" it from while "HT" means "heard through" / "hat tip," another method to provide credit to the initial Tweet's author.

DO SHORTEN YOUR LINKS - When discussing typical interests over Twitter, you may wish to share links to interesting posts. Nonetheless, while you could put links in your Tweets, the 140 characters or less restriction will make it impossible. When confronted with whether to share or skip over web content with long URLs, use free URL reducing services like Additionally, services like this additionally let you track how many individuals really click on the URLs you share.

DON'T TWEET IF YOU DON'T NEED TO - Do we really need to know you're taking a coffee break at work? Unless you are sharing the type of coffee you will be enjoying to your coffee lovers followers on Twitter, you should spare us the details. Just because Twitter is free and easy to use on your computer or phone is no reason to be boring (and "Unfollowed").

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