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dimanche 14 octobre 2012

Learning To Crush it With Email Subject Lines

By Randi Pierce

If you desire to make money with a mailing list, then at some point before you get started you have to know what makes for a converting email subject line. If you are going to be random in your approach, it just won't work. What you will need to do is become skilled at this because it is a form of copywriting skill. We know that you do not want to do all that hard work only to be deleted without being read. Let's find out how one can achieve greatness when writing an email subject line.

Some list marketers prefer to begin with the subject line, and that is just a matter of personal preference. Part of growing yourself and business rests with how you approach it and how serious you are about it. But no matter what you do, always write more than one line; that is the same with writing headlines. Remember there is no right or wrong with this, you have to figure out what is right for you and that is it. So just do the learning part and then move into writing for yourself; that is basically all you need to do.

Ever seen a subject line that looks like a start to a sales pitch? Many people automatically discard emails that are trying too hard to sell. The subject line isn't the right place to actually try to close the sale. Use your subject line as a teaser, rather than a hype-filled headline. You really only need to pique the reader's curiosity in the subject line. After they've opened the email, you can then focus on getting them to the next stage in your sales funnel.

This is a really obvious point, but we have to tell you to never use all caps in a subject line. When you read a sentence on your screen, you should use a subtle way to pass on your message. If you want to offend people and make them leave you, then just forget this advice. Seek to make your recipients comfortable in every possible way, and the same rule applies if you want to imply urgency in your subject line. Another spam filter trigger is the use of the fabled exclamation point - so be warned about that.

If you're involved in email marketing, you must recognize the importance of subject lines. Without focusing on the subject line, you'll be stopping yourself from achieving optimum results from your email marketing campaign. Whatever your actual email is about, you must have a relevant and persuasive subject line. Before your message can accomplish anything, the recipient has to actually open it. For this reason, it's worth putting a little extra effort into writing the ideal subject line. As you pay more attention to your subject lines you'll be able to discover which ones perform best for you.

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