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samedi 28 juillet 2018

The Deeper Definition Of The Evidence Of Immortality

By John Stewart

In this current digital age, there are many means of pleasures that people can lavishly spend on. Yet, there are still many reports of people attempting suicide and succeeding on it, and this is because they were not able to find satisfaction in this life. Sadly, the human race has failed in letting their fellow humans know that they are important in this messed up world. With the world being in a mess, it is imperative to know the deeper definition of the evidence of immortality for them to get the most out of their lives.

Although with their careers flourishing or even with their bank accounts having many digits, still, there are still people who are still having troubles in knowing what the value of their lives is. They end up spending their money on entertainment that will only bring them temporary happiness. They go home from all night partying alone, and lonely.

Others have climbed up the corporate ladder by giving up their humanity. The love they got from their families are slowly diminishing since they are prioritizing the ladder, and therefore, spending long hours in their offices. They are focusing on giving the earthly needs of every family member while ignoring the other need, which is the time with them.

Truly, eating three times a day, having clothing, and having shelter is of importance. Yet, if no one is there to eat with you, to help you pick the clothing that will make you look good, and enjoy the shelter with you, then, the aforementioned factors are of no importance in the end. The earthly things people possess in this earth are only the stuff that will assist people in surviving this earth, and are not the stuff to be prioritized.

Some people are losing friends because of them taking advantage of the goodness of their friends. Especially if they work on the same job, a person might step on a beloved friend just to get a promotion. Indeed, a promotion is needed to have more money, and yet, again, it is really not worth losing a friend that has been with you all this time.

The deeper definition is that when one dies, life is still there. Thus, worldly possessions should not be the top priority. The definition is that humans should be caring about the lives of everyone, the status of that individual does not matter along with their actions in the past, for there is a Mighty Being who is watching the creation.

However, that One will not be judging human beings by basing on their utterances, their actions, and the things that occupy the minds of the individuals. It is by faith that individuals are judged. However, an individual must only speak about lovely things, do right actions, and have holy thoughts since the aforementioned things are the things that will make you a person with faith.

In this messed up world, it is not preventable to have loved ones who are struggling with depression and are having suicidal thoughts. Humans must prioritize the humanity in them, and lend a helping hand to those loved ones. Make them aware of how important they are.

Even with the many forms of entertainment, one will not satisfy the spirit with those kinds of entertainment. Entertainment is the time spent with families who loves you unconditionally. One should take heed of the true meaning, and get to know the Creator who will love you unconditionally.

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