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lundi 27 janvier 2014

Keyword Marketing Techniques That Work

By Amar Khan

If you don't know what keyword marketing is, it's basically the art of creating marketing campaigns that are tied to specific keywords. Your keyword marketing campaign basically starts with you researching for keywords on Google keyword tool or any other keyword tool.

Your pages will rank higher in search results and you will get a lot more visitors if you describe your content with the right keywords. Making a list of all the keywords you would use to describe your products or services is not enough.

Keyword marketing is not for everyone. If you want to be successful with it, you need to be able to classify keywords according to which stage of the buyer's cycle they belong to. There are five stages of the buying cycle: awareness, consideration, preference or intent, purchase, and repurchase.

Place your keywords in different HTML tags instead of trying to include as many keywords as possible in your text. Your readers will notice that you are overusing keywords and search engines will not rank your page high in search results if the keyword density is too high.

Search engines offer tools you can use to analyze how popular different keywords are. You should check these tools offered by search engines so you can find all the popular keywords related to your topic. Keep in mind that these keywords can change. For instance, users can start looking up technical terms or new words might become a new popular way of referring to the services you offer. As your brand becomes more popular, the name of your brand will probably become a common keyword too.

Once you know which keywords made you the sales, you can then set out to build a SEM campaign. What is a SEM campaign? It's basically the art of setting up web pages so that they rank on Google. Again, this type of marketing is not for everyone and it takes a few months of campaigning and testing before you can earn money.

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