samedi 27 octobre 2018

How To Blog On Tumblr For Long Island Advertising Success

By Paula Hess

If you're looking to blog on Tumblr, understand that there will be plenty of work involved on your end. Despite the massive audience that this platform has to offer, your content must be geared toward them in a way that's unique from Facebook, Twitter and other such social media networks. If you're willing to give Tumblr a try, as a blogging platform, you may be surprised by the positive Long Island advertising impact it can have. Here is what you should know about the endeavor in question.

If you're serious about blogging on Tumblr for business purposes, images are necessary. One of the unique aspects of this social media platform is its focus on visuals, as posts that are image-heavy tend to perform best in terms of likes, reblogs, and engagement in general. What this means is that while you can write long-form content on Tumblr, it should be accompanied by relevant images as well. This knowledge goes a long way in terms of content creation on the platform.

Another thing to know about blogging on Tumblr is that hot topics perform better than others. While this can be said about virtually any social media platform, in addition to digital media, Tumblr content comes and goes at such a rapid pace that it's vital to stay on top of things. If there's a story that people are talking about, cover it. The sooner that you do so, the better your content will be able to perform.

Outside of blog writing, engagement with one's audience is vital to blogging on Tumblr. Let's say that your blog reaches the point where your content receives likes and reblogs on a daily basis. In this scenario, it would make sense to stay engaged with your followers. This will allow you to reach out to them and let them know that you appreciate their support. The more that you engage with them, the stronger your blog's reputation will become.

Lastly, focus on your blog's overall presentation. One of the perks of Tumblr is that blogs can be customized in a number of ways. If you're not satisfied with the social network's collection of themes, you may be able to develop one of your own, provided you have a solid understanding of HTML and coding. Your Tumblr blog should stand out from the crowd, especially if you plan on using it for your business.

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