mardi 7 août 2018

What One Should Know About Catholicism In Tennessee

By Patrick Mitchell

There are many good things that can be said about the Catholic Church. Most people on earth know about this church. After all, it is the biggest church in the world. It has billions of followers. Catholicism did not start yesterday. It has existed for thousands of years. In addition, it will not end any time soon. It will exist till the end of time. Catholicism in Tennessee is not a new thing. Since the formation of Tennessee and its admission to the union, there have always been Catholics in this beautiful American state.

Each major city in the state of Tennessee has a Catholic diocese. There is the Catholic Diocese of Memphis. One will also find the Catholic diocese of Nashville. Actually, big cities all over America have Catholic dioceses. A diocese has a number of Catholic churches. The head of the diocese is called a bishop. He is the spiritual leader of the believers that are found in the diocese in question.

Under the bishop, there are priests. A church will have a number of priests. Catholic priests as well as bishops, and other people higher up in the hierarchy are supposed to abide by the code of celibacy. This code states that they should not marry or have children. It will take around seven years of training in a seminary to become a priest.

A bishop will oversee the various churches that are found in his diocese. Each church will have a resident priest. However, the bishop can carry out mass in any church, at any time, with the help of resident priest. Actually, priesthood is a calling. It is one of the best callings that an individual can have in America.

The most senior position in Catholic faith is the position of papacy. Time and again, the pope will make important pronouncements. He will announce the position of the Church on the various issues of faith. The pope can excommunicate a priest as a result of unbecoming behavior. A pope will hold his position until death or resignation.

The pope has many duties. He always comments on doctrinal issues. Most past popes have written books about the various issues of the faith. The pope frequently tours the world preaching the good messages of peace. The Catholic Church is on the forefront when it comes to promoting peace all over the world. Believers need to be peace makers.

Apart from clergy matters there is also the most serious matter of Catholicism. It is the Holy Bible. The Catholic faith does not take the Scripture lightly. It holds it with great reverence. The Bible is the guide of the true Catholic. There is no Biblical prophecy that will not be fulfilled. Most of them were fulfilled in the past.

In America, there is Catholicism. On the other hand, there is Protestantism. These are the two major Christian denominations. These two faiths have some differences. However, they have a good deal of similarities. The various denominations do not conflict each other. Actually, they complement each other. America is a Christian nation. However, there is freedom of religion in the United States.

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