samedi 18 août 2018

Long Island Advertising: The Do's And Don'ts Of Promotion On Tumblr

By Rob Sutter

There are many reasons why, in the vast world of social media, Tumblr stands out. Everything from the content it offers to the audience that it attracts can't be overlooked, and each quality makes it worth the attention of Long Island advertising agencies. With that said, it may seem difficult to promote an individual or brand on this platform. With these do's and don'ts, such an endeavor will be made that much easier.

DO position yourself as a content creator. Content is part and parcel of the social media experience, but this is especially true when it comes to Tumblr. There is a bevy of long-form blogs, videos, and GIF sets that make this platform stand out from the rest. In order to promote oneself on this site - and the likes of fishbat will agree - position yourself as a content creator first. Your success in the business world won't matter as much to the site's younger crowd.

DON'T overlook the importance of tags. If you're familiar with the hashtags on Twitter, you should know that tags on Tumblr work the same way. Essentially, they make your content searchable, not only for your convenience but the increased likelihood that others will find it. It would make perfect sense to tag the content you create. Provided your tags are relevant and easily searchable, you won't have any problems in this respect.

DO respond to the asks that your Tumblr blog yields. If you haven't set your blog to receive "asks," which are direct messages by outside users, take the time to do so. In the world of social media, interacting with others is vital. When you're given an ask, you should respond to it as promptly as possible. Many people don't know that this acts as a form of customer service, albeit in a more lighthearted manner given Tumblr's unique presence.

DON'T underestimate your competition. No matter how confident you believe you are in your Tumblr skills, there's a good chance that there's someone using the platform more effectively. What this means is that you should look at what your competition is doing differently. Furthermore, focus on your own weaknesses and see if they can be turned into strengths. Don't let this come at the cost of your individuality, though, as the best Tumblr marketing efforts tend to stand out from the rest.

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