jeudi 22 mars 2018

Content Is King: Important Details For Long Island SEO

By Arthur Williams

If you know anything about Long Island SEO, it's fair to assume that you've heard numerous phrases throughout this learning process. Perhaps the most common is the phrase "content is king," which can be applied to many other industries as well. What exactly does this phrase mean, though? Have you been saying it without knowing its true meaning? If you'd like to know what this phrase is all about, you'll have to go back all the way to 1996.

During this year, in January, Bill Gates wrote an essay that was published on Microsoft's website. The title of the essay in question? "Content is King." Anyway, in this essay, Gates claimed that he saw content being the driving force of the world, much in the same way that television and broadcasting were in years past. He wasn't wrong, though, as the Internet has become a hub for the world's information. This isn't where the essay concluded, though.

Gates also said in this essay that the Internet gives anyone the opportunity to publish the content they want. Needless to say, the freedom to do so has grown since then, as numerous blog sites and social media accounts exist today. These are used to continually create and share out content. Furthermore, this can be done with ease, which wasn't possible a few decades ago. According to reputable names like, content has become widespread.

Over the course of several decades, it's safe to assume that "content is king" has evolved to mean different things to different people. Those that work in marketing want to consistently create more content so that they remain in the public eye. Long Island SEO specialists want to tailor said content so that it will be optimized for search engines. These are just a few ways that this quote has changed from year to year.

To say that Bill Gates had an impact on computers would be an understatement, but his influence spread to business as well. Much of what he wrote about in his "Content is King" essay applies today, as content continues to be a driving force. For those that are looking to get into the business world, the aforementioned essay is required reading. Despite the fact that it was published more than two decades ago, it holds up surprisingly well.

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