mardi 16 janvier 2018

Why A Long Island Advertising Agency May Recognize Facebook Local

By Paula Hess

Events was a Facebook app that allowed users to create their own events and potentially reach out to different audiences. Recently, though, the program was relaunched and rebranded as Facebook Local. This is more than just a simple name change, though, as it offers more in the way of functionality. A number of Long Island advertising agencies will agree, so keep the following details in mind if you think that this app is worth utilizing.

Facebook Local is very much a combination of different apps that you are probably familiar with. It can be defined as the previous Events app, only with elements of Yelp and Foursquare thrown into the mix. With Local, you can learn about the establishments that your friends have checked out. By doing so, you may have ideas of the restaurants to try out, the bars to visit, or what have you. This is just the gist, though, that companies like fishbat can provide.

Local is its own app, too, separate from the main Facebook program. One of the reasons this matters is that it allows for clear conveyance of information. When you look through your main newsfeed, it can be difficult to keep track of information. On the other hand, if Local stands on its own, details regarding popular spots can be read easier. It's a great benefit that any Long Island advertising agency should draw attention to.

Local will be able to keep users up-to-date on upcoming events, too. With the Trending Events section, people can learn about the festivities that are set to occur in their areas. These include, but aren't limited to, concerts, fundraisers, and ribbon cutting ceremonies for local businesses. With this information in mind, Local will be able to tell people about said events, which will allow them to determine if they're worth attending.

It's clear that Facebook put major work into renovating their Events app. Its transition into Local is nothing short of remarkable, as it has been able to incorporate more features than its predecessors. As a matter of fact, it would be a mistake for those that enjoy local happenings to not utilize Local. The more that Local is developed, which it most likely will be, the more value that its users will gain from it moving forward.

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