samedi 4 novembre 2017

Discover Some Useful Airbnb Host Tips For Your Next Guest

By Virginia Johnson

First established in August of two thousand eight, Airbnb is a company that specializes in hospitality services and is founded by Brian Chesky, Joe Gebbia, and Nathan Blecharcyzk. According to recent statistics, they have over 150,000,000 users, making them the most prominent source and also the most popular among folks. With the integration of social media, GPS, and a list of preferences that users can filter out, they have succeeded in providing an encompassing platform for people looking for places to stay, and those who wish to provide that space.

As a result, majority of their clients are those who are vacationing and those who want to capitalize on their properties. When using it, one can either be a host or a visitor. When one decides on being a host, they must make a number of considerations to provide good service. Following this trail of thought, this article will be focusing on some practical Airbnb Host Tips for your next client.

It is highly important to be honest, especially when advertising your place. While it is understandable that you want to garner some interest with your lodging, you must not stray too far from the truth when advertising. Make sure the amenities or features you advertise are truly something you can offer, to avoid disappointing guests, which could lead to a bad review.

When the setting of your rooms is in your own household or in a property you manage, it is understandable that you have your own set of house rules that you expect all your visitors to follow. Nevertheless, people have different reasons why they have gone on vacation. Following this logic, you might want to reconsider those rules, such as curfew and the times for checking in and out.

To maintain the interest of any potential clients, be consistent in your reminders and in communication with them. For instance, consider sending out an email to those interested in renting your place. The email should contain some details regarding your property, any special features, and also ongoing promotions. Furthermore, consider adding some information about nearby gyms, restaurants, hotspots, malls, and other places they might find interesting or need.

When people start making the booking, take the initiative to ask about what sort of preferences they have with food. Some visitors might be vegetarians or have some restrictions when it comes to their diet. Since you will be offering them some meals along with lodging, you will want to make sure that they find the meals tasty and will not affect their health in any way.

At this point, you can expect your clients to reach your doorstep on the date and time they have chosen. If not busy, take the initiative in meeting them personally and greeting them at your doorstep. Making a good first impression is important, especially when they will be writing up their reviews afterward.

After greeting them, also make some time for a short tour. This will only take a couple of minutes and aids you with introducing them to other inhabitants and with what features you have available. Furthermore, you can inform them where the towels, paper items, and cleaning supplies are.

Since you are the host, you must make sure that the visitors are comfortable. One way of doing so is providing some good decorations. Provide good bedding, some art hanging on walls, and great furniture pieces.

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