mardi 19 septembre 2017

The Benefits Of Linkedin Messaging For Online Marketing Companies

By Rob Sutter

With the recent layout change of LinkedIn comes a number of other adjustments, some more prominent than others. LinkedIn Messaging has been a common trait of the professional social media platform, but now it can be used as an instant messaging platform. To say that this is remarkable would be an understatement, but what are the specific benefits of said system? Here are just a few that online marketing companies can draw your attention to.

One of the biggest benefits of LinkedIn Messaging is that it can be accessed from any section of the site. For example, if you're scrolling through your feed, you may want to immediately message someone. Instead of having to go to the specific page to do so, you'll be able to access the widget at the bottom of the feed, choosing a specific connection to reach out to. This ease of use matters, but there are other benefits that the likes of can draw your attention to.

Another perk of LinkedIn Messaging is the ability to search for posts. You might want to recall a message that you sent to a connection a few months ago. If you have numerous messages in your inbox, chances are that scrolling through to find the specific message will prove difficult. Fortunately, Messaging comes with a search function that makes this process a breeze. For those with broad networks, this perk is worth noting.

Lastly, LinkedIn Messaging can be used with attachments. For instance, if you have an Excel spreadsheet with financial information, you'll be able to send it through a LinkedIn message without any problems. This eases the process of having to constantly send documents to people. If you're connected with someone through this social media site, you'll be able to send virtually anything to them in a stress-free way.

When it comes to the selling points of LinkedIn Messaging, these are just a few to be mindful of. While it's recommended that you connect with other professionals, it's just as worthwhile to stay in touch with them over the course of time. This is where Messaging comes into the fold, as it's one of the best ways to stay engaged over the course of time. Keep this tool in mind if you're planning on using LinkedIn in the near future.

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